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Sophia School

We provide a range of equipment and books alongside giving training in English teaching creative play in the early years to school teachers in several local schools.

To date we have built playground equipment, donated storytelling dolls and books, 'home corner' toys and sports equipment. 


Sponsor a childs education

Through our child sponsorship scheme, CHEN partners provide for children from poor backgrounds to access education, providing  fees and uniforms.  Through this, CHEN is supporting schools as they break down barriers to opportunity and foster a more equal future society. 


If you are able to commit to giving £30.00 per month, please contact us and set up a standing order. Please Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK tax-payer to enable to add 25% to your gift. Thank you.

Bringing health, education and healing to the people of Nepal in the Name of Jesus.


Charity Commission Registration
Registered with HMRC


A: 23 Fairbank Avenue, Orpington,

BR6 8JY     UK

T: +44 (0) 7588 648582


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